Your Child Can Master Academic Writing and Reach the Top of the Class
For over 20 years, the Academic English Mastery (AEM) writing program has been helping students in grades 5-10 unlock the secrets of great writing and get FAR ahead of their peers, even if they are currently struggling with writing.
Mr. Jan's teaching worked miracles on my language skills. All the advice and his teaching methods, especially the T.R.E.E.S. paragraph format, improved my writing skills significantly.
Additionally, the grammar rules and the new words he taught us were incredibly helpful as well. I was able to score 95% in English this year, all thanks to him.
Thank you very much Mr. Jan for teaching me everything I needed to learn about this complex language. I am forever indebted to you!
Saheli J., student in Mississauga
In as little as four months, your child can master the four critical elements of academic writing. As a result, your child will be able to write well on EVERY assignment in EVERY subject, which means significant grade increases in EVERY class.
Results are guaranteed. Your child WILL learn to write well - or your money back!
The Academic English Mastery program is based on four pillars of writing excellence:
- understand instructions and success criteria, so they know exactly what the teacher is looking for
- brainstorm, develop, and organize relevant ideas
- find information from reliable sources
- find and understand statistics, so they can support their ideas with data, which is the gold standard in academic writing
- organize information in a reader-friendly structure
- provide references
- avoid plagiarism
- deal with AI tools
What makes this program different from other writing programs?
Students see big improvements quickly because of our unique approach to writing: direct instruction, lots of supervised writing practice, specific feedback with opportunities to revise errors, and focused training on weak areas.
For that reason, after each weekly class, students complete three writing assignments that receive detailed, colour-coded feedback the next day. Students then revise their writing based on the feedback and re-submit their work for additional feedback and corrections. Because of the frequency of practice and feedback, writing concepts stay top-of-mind and students see rapid progress in writing skill.
- Assignment #1: Grammar exercises based on concepts taught in class, sentence combining exercises, editing
- Assignment #2: Summarizing and paraphrasing, detailed descriptions of graphs and processes (these will be used in Assignment #3)
- Assignment #3: Paragraph, report, or essay
Please note: There is no limit to revisions. Students can write with teacher support up to seven days per week. In fact, we work with many parents who want their child writing every day, either because the child is far behind or because the child is ambitious and wants to be the best writer in the class. Children progress quickly when given the right support!
We are seeing lots of improvements in her writing, even seeing a difference in her way of thinking about the topics and making connections. She said she understands lots about grammar and complex sentences.
Padma J., grade 7 student's mom
To be effective, feedback needs to be prompt and meaningful.
Assignments can feel like busy-work if students don't receive timely and meaningful feedback. In the AEM program, students receive detailed, colour-coded feedback the morning after submitting their work.
At school, children often wait weeks or even months for assignments to be returned with feedback. Last January, a colleague who teaches grade 11 English for the Toronto District School Board admitted to me that she still hadn't returned essays submitted by her students in November. She said she was "bored to tears" reading essays that no one enjoyed writing about a book that no one enjoyed reading (it was required by the department head).
When students finally get their work back (weeks or months after handing it in), their feedback is often just checkmarks and "Great work!" Parents send me writing samples like the one below. This kind of feedback isn't helpful, and it also gives the wrong impression that everything is perfect.
This student is a fairly good writer but also has great potential just waiting to be developed:
- Grammar errors: awkward sentence construction, run-on sentence, plural possessive error
- Many missing commas
- Vocabulary is repetitive and informal in places
Every assignment like this with meaningless feedback is a wasted opportunity for this young man to develop his writing skills. In the AEM program, all of these issues would be identified, and the student would revise his writing based on the feedback. We would then discuss any outstanding issues during the next class and make a plan to avoid the same issues in the next assignment.
In writing, receiving feedback promptly and then incorporating the feedback into revisions keeps writing concepts top-of-mind, and students progress quickly. Consequential follow-up makes all the difference.
Luca told me he is very glad to continue his writing study with you. He got a high score in his final exam last semester, which he felt very proud of. I also hope to take this opportunity to express our thanks to your hard work, not only for the scores, but also for your effort to guide Luca's interest in writing.
Chloe D., Luca's mom (Luca is a grade 5 student in China)
To be effective, feedback needs to be accurate.
Many parents suspect that their child's high grades are "fake news." Unfortunately, they're right. In the AEM program, students receive detailed, colour-coded feedback as well as an objective score of their work using rubrics based on international criteria.
Grade inflation is real. For example, the sample essay below was written by a girl who received 93% in grade 9 English. Her parents called me because they knew her grades were far too high. In fact, she had no idea how to use a comma.
These high grades set unrealistic expectations for university, where students experience enormous grade point decreases. Students are bewildered as their "A+" level writing in high school drops to a "B" or even a "C" in university. For that reason, grade inflation in elementary and high school ends up harming students' confidence and motivation in university. In frustration, students drop classes or change majors (and in some cases, drop out of school) because they never learned to write properly. This can cost thousands of dollars in wasted tuition or remedial tutoring, but more importantly, broken dreams, as students doubt their ability to succeed. University is too late for writing training!
Is this an "A" paper?
I could show you hundreds of sample essays like the one above from supposedly "A" students. How is it possible for a student who makes this many mistakes to get 93%? Unfortunately, this is the norm now. Teachers don't know how to teach grammar, or they believe they shouldn't be teaching grammar, but they don't want to hear students' and parents' complaints about low grades. Their solution is simple: they don't mark grammar. I know this sounds crazy, but it's true: colleges of education discourage teachers from spending time on grammar instruction because they believe it's not creative. Even in a city as diverse as Toronto, with such a high percentage of English language learners, teachers are not taught how to teach grammar, which is critical for these students. One of my professors at OISE (the teacher's college at University of Toronto) admitted to us:
"If I saw that my students were having trouble with writing, I would stop teaching the content and focus on writing basics. The problem is, I wouldn't know how."
What kinds of mistakes is your child making? Does the teacher even know how to help them? Hopefully, your child's teacher knows the difference between "your" and "you're."
This teacher at the TDSB (Toronto District School Board) doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're." This is why many parents say TDSB means "Totally Destroying Students' Brains."
- Sent by a parent (2023)
Let's talk about helping your child write well. Schedule a free 30-minute information session to get a detailed assessment of your child's writing and plan for their future success.
Please use the form below, email me at, or call 416-822-2637.
Send me (Jan) a message describing the typical issues your child faces with writing. You can include a recent writing sample with or without teacher feedback (please include the OneDrive, DropBox, or Google Drive link), or I can provide an appropriate prompt. Within 24 hours, we'll set up a telephone or Zoom call where we'll go over your child's writing in depth and talk about how to help your child get far ahead in writing. You'll get a chance to see the quality of feedback we provide in the AEM program, and you can then decide if this is the right program for your child. There is no obligation to buy anything, and you'll learn several powerful strategies and techniques to help your child on your own.
Please note: If you decide to enroll in the AEM program, you are fully protected by our 100% money back guarantee. If I can't help your child write well, you don't pay.
School is failing students by not teaching fundamental principles of writing.
These principles are still taught at elite private schools but are often neglected in public school.
It's not your child's fault they are struggling with writing. The reason is that many English teachers NEVER teach grammar. Teachers either look down on grammar rules or they HOPE students will magically pick them up. I've been to teacher's college: grammar instruction is frowned upon as not being "creative" and teachers are discouraged from developing lessons on writing mechanics.
This is true even in classes full of ESL students. When a child asks for a grammar lesson, they are told not to worry about it because "we focus only on big ideas."
Recently, a student in grade 11 told me that in three years of high school, they had talked about grammar for half of one period IN TOTAL! Again, this is at a school in Scarborough with a large percentage of ESL students.
The results are not good: according to Ontario university professors, around 75% of students can't write well. This harms their future at university and at work - it limits opportunities and closes doors.
The table below shows the percentage of American students (the results are similar in Canada) who are considered proficient in mathematics, reading, science, and writing in grades 4, 8, and 12. Notice that most results get WORSE over time (except for a slight increase in reading skill).
- Source:
In Canada, according to recent research at York University, Western University, and the University of Toronto, 41% of students were identified as "at risk" of not being able to do well in their university studies, and 16% were classified as "dysfunctional," which means completely incapable of succeeding in their studies.
Mirroring U.S. findings, only 23% of university professors at these Canadian universities "believed students were able to write at a university level." Even the students agree they're in trouble (although students GREATLY OVERESTIMATE their own abilities): "49% of the sample [of students admitted that they] lacked the skills considered essential to academic success" in writing.
- Source: "Academic Skill Deficiencies in Four Ontario Universities"
in Ontario, EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) overstates students' writing abilities. I prepare students for the literacy test (OSSLT) and I have even marked it: the tasks are simple and the marking is generous. EQAO states that 35% of Ontario students (40% of ESL students) are NOT proficient in writing, i.e., they are at Level 2 ("C") or lower. However, this does NOT mean that those who score Level 3 or 4 on the literacy test are good writers! As noted, according to 3/4 of university professors, students are not able to write well.
Massive grade inflation sets students up for failure once they get to university.
57% of Canadian university students are at risk of doing poorly in their courses or even failing, yet 90% of Ontario high school students graduate with a "B" or "A" average. Many students and parents are happy with these grades, but smart students and parents know that this creates massive problems down the road.
I went to one of the top high schools in Canada and almost nobody got over 80% in English. Times have changed. A student who recently joined my writing class received 97% in grade 9 English, yet the writing she showed me had many grammar problems and was difficult to understand in places. I asked her how it was possible to get 97% in English with such problems. She replied that she knew she had lots of grammar problems and she had even asked her teacher for help. However, her teacher said, “In my class, we focus only on big ideas – we don’t worry about little things like grammar.”
It's critical for parents to make sure that their child thoroughly understands the foundations of writing, even if they are getting good grades right now. These good grades could be a source of overconfidence and lack of preparedness for more challenging writing tasks in the near future.
Who designed the AEM writing program?
My name is Jan Waginski and I am a certified teacher in Ontario. In over 20 years of teaching academic writing, I have developed a powerful system that transforms young learners from struggling to confident writers. This method has helped hundreds of my students, many of whom were reluctant writers when they started. In fact, it's common for a "B" or even a "C" student to become an "A" student after only a short period of training. When students master the foundations of writing, their grades soar on EVERY writing assignment in EVERY class.
Mr. Jan's teaching worked miracles on my language skills. All the advice and his teaching methods, especially the T.R.E.E.S. paragraph format*, improved my writing skills significantly.
Additionally, the grammar rules and the new words he taught us were incredibly helpful as well. I was able to score 95% in English this year, all thanks to him.
Thank you very much Mr. Jan for teaching me everything I needed to learn about this complex language. I am forever indebted to you!
Saheli J., student in Mississauga
Saheli was new to Canada and had just completed ESL with an average grade. In high school English, she wasn't getting the instruction she needed on the fundamentals of grammar and composition, which were her main areas of weakness. In fact, her teachers NEVER TAUGHT GRAMMAR or the principles of essay writing! As a result, Saheli's grades were low and her mom was very worried that Saheli would continue to make the same mistakes and never learn to write properly.
After her mom found AEM Academy, Saheli quickly learned the essential principles of essay writing, the verb tense system, and complex sentences. Her grades began to increase ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, and as her skills and confidence grew, she produced longer, well-researched assignments that were beautifully written. SHE ENDED UP WITH 95% in grade 9 English. What's more, her English grades are higher than almost every native speaker's in her class and she no longer needs any help in English.
Congratulations, Saheli!
*T.R.E.E.S. paragraph format is a powerful writing system I developed based on research into writing patterns used by professionals. Students love the T.R.E.E.S. system because it tells them EXACTLY what content to include in each sentence of each paragraph and what order to put ideas in. It takes away the mystery of what to write and how to organize what you write. What's best is that it is fully adaptable and works 100% effectively in all situations, it does not limit creativity, and the reader will never detect it.
Significant grade increases in EVERY class are typical results. This opens BIG DOORS.
Problems with writing are easy to fix with direct instruction in the fundamentals of grammar, complex sentences, and essay structure. This course fills in the HUGE gaps left by school and transforms students into effective writers, which raises their grades in EVERY class and helps them surpass their peers.
Saheli's level of success - getting 95% in grade 9 English after completing the AEM writing program - is NOT unusual. Every single student sees a massive increase in grades as they 1) learn the principles of well-organized writing and 2) as grammar errors decrease. This is not just in English. These are skills for life that increase grades in EVERY CLASS since communication skills count for 15-25% of course marks.
For these reasons, this program is the single best investment you can make in your child's education. You will see a complete transformation in your child as they quickly master writing skills, complete writing tasks with ease, and see the amazing results. As your child gains confidence in writing skills, school becomes a lot more fun!
Moreover, the benefits of the program are not just in writing:
- Strong oral communication skills develop from strong writing skills. Presentations and speeches share the same structures and rhetorical devices (persuasive techniques) as essays.
- Reading comprehension skills improve dramatically when students learn to write. Students start to notice how most non-fiction writing (which is most of what children read in school) follows the same predictable structures that students are learning to use in their own writing.
- Writing well is a requirement for positions of leadership. Managers and executives spend much of their time informing and persuading in writing.
- Writing is “thinking on the page.” When students learn the 5-step ABCDE writing process, they’re able to break down big assignments into small, manageable parts. This makes it easy for students to see how ideas are related to each other and whether or not they make sense, BEFORE they ever start writing a draft. As professional writers will tell you, "what you do before you start writing is more important that what you do after you start writing."
- “The keyboard is mightier than the sword.” You can’t be an effective citizen unless you can write well.
My writing has greatly improved since I started learning from Mr. Waginski. He taught me how to properly structure my essays and improved my sentence structure.
Michael L. from Toronto just graduated from Computer Science at UCLA and is now working at Microsoft.
Our Programs
About all programs:
- There are 5 levels in the Academic English Mastery system. To determine your child's level and whether this program would be appropriate for their needs, please send a recent writing sample (it must be typed). If you don't have a suitable sample or you would like your child to write something new from scratch, I can provide a suitable prompt. Once you have sent in your writing sample, we will meet over a 30-minute Zoom call to go over your child's work in detail. This will give you an opportunity to see how our unique feedback system works, and we can decide whether this program would be appropriate for your child's needs. There is no obligation to buy anything, and you'll learn several powerful strategies and techniques to help your child on your own.
- For older students, one level is often enough to learn the complete system.
- Each level is 16 classes (four months).
- To find out which level your child is at, please complete the contact form below or get in touch at
- All programs are customized based on the student's needs. Program length, frequency, and scope can be adjusted.
- All prices are in Canadian dollars. There is no tax. Tuition can be paid monthly at no additional charge.
- NEW: Daytime classes and tutoring are now available in North American time zones.
- NEW: Evening classes are now available in European time zones.
- Our writing feedback system makes all the difference: All programs include three writing assignments per week with multi-stage feedback. After submitting their writing, students receive detailed, colour-coded, descriptive feedback. Students then revise their writing for additional feedback and corrections, and complete follow-up exercises that target weak areas. Our students see rapid results because they receive more writing support than in any other writing program on Earth!
- Note: Students can write with teacher support seven days per week.
Program Tuition
Group Class
Private 1-1
Exclusive Group
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not happy with the program for any reason, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt and courteous refund for the entire month, even if it's after the last class of the month.
Let's talk about helping your child write well. Schedule a free 30-minute information session to get a detailed assessment of your child's writing and plan for their future success.
Please use the form below, email me at, or call 416-822-2637.
Send me (Jan) a message describing the typical issues your child faces with writing. You can also include a recent writing sample with or without teacher feedback, or I can provide an appropriate prompt. After you send in the writing sample, we'll set up a Zoom call to go over your child's writing in depth and talk about how to help your child get far ahead in writing. There is no obligation to buy anything, and you'll learn several powerful strategies and techniques to help your child on your own.
Results: Big doors open for those with outstanding writing skills
Our students achieve extraordinary levels of success. In fact, our ESL students often get higher marks than their native-speaker peers, and they get into the programs they want.
Our program also helps English Language Learners pass the IELTS exam, one of the hardest high-pressure English exams in the world. Our IELTS students include high school students from around the world, professionals seeking to immigrate to Canada, and many doctors who need IELTS to practice medicine in Canada.
I am just sending a message because I thought about you when I got an offer from Ryerson University. I really want to say thank you! All of this could happen because of your kindness and help. It did give me a strength to live in Canada… It’s really hard to contain my appreciation to you in a text but I am trying to ha ha. I was really afraid of confronting different people but your support helped me to overcome it. So thank you again
MJ S. from Markham was just accepted to Mechanical Engineering at Ryerson University.
Congratulations, MJ!
Hello Sir,
I am excited to tell you that I got 94% in grade 10 English. I just received the marks and I want to thank you for teaching me English and helping me improve. I never thought I would get 94% and I am extremely happy with my marks.
I got this mark thanks to you Sir, so thank you again, Mr. Jan!
After Risari's mom found AEM Academy, Risari scored 94% in grade 10 English.
Congratulations, Risari!
Mr. Jan's teaching worked miracles on my language skills. All the advice and his teaching methods, especially the T.R.E.E.S. paragraph format, improved my writing skills significantly.
Additionally, the grammar rules and the new words he taught us were incredibly helpful as well. I was able to score 95% in English this year, all thanks to him.
Thank you very much Mr. Jan for teaching me everything I needed to learn about this complex language. I am forever indebted to you!
Saheli moved to Mississauga from Sri Lanka 3 years ago. After training with AEM Academy in grammar, sentence structure, and essay writing, Saheli is now among the top students in her class with a 95% in English.
Congratulations, Saheli!
I finished with an 80 all thanks to you sir!
Mohammed A.S. from Mississauga went from 62 in grade 9 English to 80 in grade 10 English after tutoring in writing with AEM.
Congratulations, Mohammed!
My writing has greatly improved since I started learning from Mr. Waginski. He taught me how to properly structure my essays and improved my sentence structure.
Michael L. from Toronto just graduated from Computer Science at UCLA and is now working at Microsoft.
Congratulations, Michael!
Jan not only helped me refine my essays; he also changed the way I write. I owe him so much!
After completing his PhD at Rotman School of Business, Jaewoo J. from Toronto is now a professor at a prestigious Korean university.
Congratulations, Jaewoo!
I had Jan Waginski as a tutor when I was in high school. Mr. Waginski helped me refine my grammar and essay writing skills dramatically and helped fill the gaps left by my previous teachers.
Barbara W. studied Criminology and Fine Art History at the University of Toronto. She is now a senior administrator at a top auction house.
Congratulations, Barbara!
I want to thank you for all your help and support for the last four months!
University of Toronto and Ryerson accepted this results. If you don’t mind, I would like to continue attending your class online to keep improving my writing.
Rama A. from Saudi Arabia just got the Band 7 on IELTS she needs to study architecture at University of Toronto or Ryerson.
Congratulations, Rama!
I am writing to share my latest IELTS result with you. I got band 7 in writing and 6.5 in speaking. I am very excited to see my improvements. I’ve learned so much from you and I will keep learning English in my daily life. Thanks for everything you have done for me!
Mango L. from China now has the Band 7.5 overall she needs for a master’s program at University of British Columbia.
Congratulations, Mango!
Hello! I have already received the IELTS Test Results and I passed it. (Listening 7.0 Reading 6.5 Writing 6.5 Speaking 7.0 Overall 7.0) I had a good time on the IELTS class and I very appreciate you as my teacher. Thanks!
Qianhao L. from China, after only 11 classes, raised his writing Band score from 5.5 to 6.5 AND his speaking Band score from 6.0 to 7.0.
Qianhao now has the Band 7.0 overall he needs for Engineering at University of Waterloo.
Congratulations, Qianhao!
I just received my test score and I finally got 7.0 in the writing section!
Krit P. from Toronto, after only 1 class, raised his writing Band score to 7.0.
Krit now has the Band 7.0 overall he needs for a Master's degree in Business Administration in the U.S. or U.K.
Congratulations, Krit!
I am really grateful to you. The last exam had a line graph and I was able to answer it almost perfectly! That is definitely the result of your measures. I appreciate your support!!!
Kumiko from Japan now has the Band 7 overall she needs for university in the U.K.
Congratulations, Kumiko!