AEM Academy

Relative Clause Type #4: Quantity + of Which/Whom

You can start a relative clause with any quantity word:

  • I ordered five shirts, two of which were the wrong size.
  • Early this year, we set many goals for ourselves, most of which we accomplished.
  • Customers ordered 1000 items, 25% of which were returned due to defects.

The quantity word can also go after which/whom. In many cases, however, it sounds awkward to put the quantity word after which, so use your ears. Remember, you won’t go wrong if you put the quantity word at the start of the relative clause.

  • I ordered five shirts, of which two were the wrong size.
  • Customers ordered 1000 items, of which 25% were returned due to defects.

When describing people, use whom:

Because of this glitch, we’ve gotten lots of calls from angry customers. Many of them have threatened to cancel their service.

Because of this glitch, we’ve gotten lots of calls from angry customers, many of whom have threatened to cancel their service.

We invited 50 guests. 10 of them couldn’t make it.

  • We invited 50 guests, 10 of whom couldn’t make it.

You can use any word that represents a quantity:

Type IV relative clauses can be used to describe a part of a larger group.

  • …, all of which…
  • …, some of which…
  • …, most of which…
  • …, none of which…
  • …, half of which…
  • …, two-thirds of which…
  • …, all of which…
  • …, 50% of which…
  • …, much of which…
  • …, some of which…
  • …, several of which…
  • …, the vast majority of which…
  • …, none of which…
  • …, the extent to which…

These are also common expressions:

  • …, the extent to which…
  • …, the consequence of which…
  • …, the effects of which…:  “Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives. The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely.” (Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, describing his association with Steve Jobs, founder of Apple)
